Wonder to Dream
by Yoonhee Ko
Wonder to Dream
Yoonhee Ko
Mixed Media - Mixed Media
It is a happiness to wonder; it is a happiness to dream. - Edgar Allan Poe
SPECIAL THANKS to the administrators of the following groups for featuring this artwork on the homepage.
Featured In:
*Peopleless Scenic Landscape Paintings 08/13/2019
*Life is not so BLack and WhiTe or is it 07/07/2019
*The Unexpected Wordsmith 07/07/2019
*Pin Me - Daily 06/11/2019
*Contemporary 06/11/2019
*Heal the World 06/08/2019
*Beauty in Art-No Photography 06/03/2019
*Out Of The Ordinary 1 A Day 06/02/2019
*World Landscape Lovers Of Art 06/01/2019
*Images That Excite You 05/29/2019
*Daily Promotion 05/29/2019
*Arts Fantastic World 05/28/2019
*Skytwitter Art Gallery 05/28/2019
*Skynetart 05/28/2019
*Artsblogosphere 05/28/2019
*What’s New 05/28/2019
*Your Story of Art 05/28/2019
*Our 4-Legged Friends 05/27/2019
*Inverted Color 05/27/2019
Digitally enhanced mixed media painting : acrylic & colored pencil on canvas.
Partially inverted color & processed
© All copyrights reserved by Yoonhee Ko.
May 27th, 2019
Comments (64)
Rose Elaine
Yoonhee, your work brings great joy! L/f like the Love the title and quote from Edgar Allan Poe - a literary delight!
Yoonhee Ko replied:
Rose, Thank you very much for your kind comment & encouragement, I sincerely appreciate that :)
Rainbow Artist Orlando L
When i step into this enchanting painting Yoonhee, i felt like i am either stepping into a heavenly fairy tale or a beautiful dream!! i love the charming composition and colours so much. the dandelions and the greens goes so well with Bunny. i feel he is looking up to the higher dimension, making a sincere wish. i certain hope that his dream will come true since he deserved the best. i love this!! Sharing!! L/F/FB
Yoonhee Ko replied:
Kevin, my heartfelt thanks for your thoughtful & delightful comment which always makes me smile, appreciated beyond measure :)
Christiane Schulze Art And Photography
A painting like a fairytale, love your bunny paintings Yoonhee f/l
Yoonhee Ko replied:
Christiane, Thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement, appreciated :))
Anne Gifford
I so love visiting your gallery and seeing what further adventures your adorable rabbit friend has found. Simply delightful...I enjoy all the various vignettes you have placed her in. Thank you for your happy, magical artwork. like/f
Yoonhee Ko replied:
Anne, I'm so~ honored to have you in my gallery, and your insightful comment & encouragement, they mean a lot to me :))
Laurel Adams
Revisiting, Yoonhee...this is one of my personal favorites of your collection! Magical, ethereal, spiritual! Love it.
Yoonhee Ko replied:
Laurel, glad you like it :) Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement, appreciated:))
Randy Burns
This is such delightful moment in nature. The beautiful lighting makes this scene have that serene, dream-like quality that persists Wonderfully in all of your paintings. F/L.
Yoonhee Ko replied:
Randy, Thank you very much for your insightful comment & encouragement, they mean so much to me :))
Kim Tran
Beautiful artwork and quote Yoonhee, I love the green tones and a dreamy world of dandelions! l/f
Yoonhee Ko replied:
Kim, Thank you so much for your lovely comment & encouragement, truly appreciated :))
Bunny Clarke
Love this sweet and gorgeous work Yoonhee.
Yoonhee Ko replied:
Buuny, glad you like it :)) Thank you so much for the lovely comment, appreciated :))